ClickBank Secret Strategies

clickbank secret strategy Here are a few of those extra little touches that can help your ClickBank review blog outperform everyone else’s…

1. Look for the products that demonstrate high demand in the search engines – but have low gravity obviously because their owners don’t seem to understand how to promote. Contact the owner and make sure it’s okay to write your own sales page (you can position it tactfully).  Then promote it properly.

Remember, the first person to “discover” a fantastic product just ripe for a particular tight niche is going to pick up the most affiliates – and the most commission through sales.

2. Create backlinks within your own site, to your own archived content.  (It really does help with SEO.)  And there’s even a WordPress plug-in, “Link Within”, to help you do this.

3. Don’t lecture.  Remember, when you’re reviewing a ClickBank product, you’re just talking excitedly or enthusiastically to a friend. In fact, it even helps sometimes if you admit you don’t know all the answers (as long as you can show how your product helped you figure out one more step).

4. Use a mix of high gravity and low, when promoting ClickBank products. That way, you’re covering all your bases (but make sure other criteria make that product a good choice for you to promote.

5. Most people have a “Most Recent Posts” category in their side bar. Add a “Top 5 Posts” to the mix – if people like your content, they’ll want to read more of what you have to say. This is perfect – the longer you keep them reading your content instead of somebody else’s, the more likely it is that they’ll subscribe to you. (And then they’re on your list!)

6. Format your Permalinks properly.  Set them up for maximum impact in your settings, and make sure each post title is represented by your keyword. (This will provide key assistance with attracting organic search traffic.)

To do this, when you’re in your blog Dashboard, go to “Settings” on the left lower side, and click “Permalinks”.  Select “Custom Structure and enter:  /%postname%/

7. Always keep your focus on helping your reader – not on how much money you’re going to make, promoting a particular product. It’s a paradox, but this is one case where the more money you try to make, the less successful your efforts will be. Instead, focus on providing  great tips, products and information for your readers to help them in their hobby or online career. Talk to them – not at them – and you’ll create devoted readers who buy products strictly because you are the person recommending it.

8. Be yourself. There’s a saying in the art world: “Artists leads, others follow”… which is true. Who would you rather be – Picasso, or a Picasso copy-cat wannabe, churning out stuff that is just not quite? Besides which, people who aren’t afraid to stand out, put their name on things, live by their ethics and walk the walk have the greatest credibility mojo in the world.

9. Answer your reader’s questions. That’s what you are really doing, when you review a product. You are not giving that reader your magnificent, exalted opinion – that’s SO not what he’s reading your blog to find out.  You are answering his questions about that product.

Do that, and you’ve made the sale. (If you get nothing else out of this book, absorb this one fact and principle – because it’s the one that will move you further ahead than all the other hints, tips and techniques combined.  Think of this, in reference to ClickBank product reviews – to marketing in general – as [you’ll have to imagine the  fanfare and Heavenly, booming voice coming out of the clouds] – “The Secret of Life!”)

There’s one more strategy that isn’t the slightest bit “secret” at all, but we haven’t mentioned it yet. And that is actually putting your money where your mouth is, and purchasing the product.

Invest your hard-earned cash. It’s precisely that – an investment that will bring returns.  Purchase and use the product. Many marketers skip this step, and are still able to promote the product effectively by profiling instead of reviewing – but nothing gives your voice the ring of authority more clearly than having actually used and tested an item or method.
And what do you use that ring of authority for? Nope, not for showing how smart you are, and what a lot you know…

To answer your readers’ questions, of course.  That’s the main reason for actually purchasing a product.

And what better way to help your reader than by providing genuine, real-life, honest-to-goodness reviews?

Now you’re ready for the last piece of the puzzle. Use this as a “checklist” template when preparing to write every review…
ClickBank Secret Strategies Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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